Forest management in climate changeChanging climate conditions have a noticeable influence on forests. Forest management must make effective adaptations with a very long-term perspective, taking account of climate change. Forests are not only affected by climate change: they also play a key role in adaptation measures and climate protection.In the 32-page report CIPRA presents the effects from climate change to forestry, formulates its demands and shows good practice examples for climate friendly forest management in the Alps. Healthy, natural forests have to be the response to climate change! More |
Water in climate changeAlpine rivers supply more than 170 millions of people with water. Climate change is going to reduce this water availability in the Alps and also in other regions. Water demand will rise as well as the competition between different stakeholder groups. In the 31-page compact CIPRA presents reports showing the effects from climate change to water utility, as well as political instruments and good practice examples. More |
Agriculture in climate changeThe agricultural sector is directly affected by climate change impacts but it also contributes to the release of greenhouse gases (GHG) and rising concentrations of GHG in the atmosphere. A sustainable climate response strategy in the field of agriculture involves anticipating, planning and long-term thinking from farm level to transnational level. More |
Tourism in climate changeClimate Change challenges the alpine tourism. On the one hand it has to adapt to climate change, simultaneously it has to become more climate neutral. Especially the sectors of traffic and energy offer huge potentials to CO2-reduction. Authorities have to direct the development into a sustainable direction. More |
Energy self-sufficient regionsNot having to depend on energy imports: this vision holds great fascination for many regions. Self-sufficiency is “in.” There are already many very positive approaches and examples of attempts to go down this road. At the heart of all the concepts is the idea of meeting demand through regional renewable sources of energy, saving energy and using energy more efficiently. More |
Energy in climate changeThe CIPRA compact “Energy” provides an overview on energy use and energy production in the Alps and describes national and regional strategies for climate protection and climate adaptation. More |
Nature protection in climate changeThe CIPRA compact “Nature Protection“ provides an overview on actions for nature protection in the Alps to limit climate change and adapt to it. Through restoring the natural state of bogs and fens, a near-natural cultivation of forests, the revitalisation of rivers and the creation of ecological networks, nature protection can provide an essential contribution to climate protection while also ecologically enhancing habitats in the Alps and protecting the population from natural hazards. More |
Constructing and refurbishing in climate changeThis CIPRA compact offers an overview on building projects in the Alps for the reduction and adaptation to climate change. CIPRA shows its main stance on this point: building renovation is a fundamental contribution to climate protection. In new buildings the passive house standard must be introduced in the Alps. The house of the future will even produce energy! More |
Transport in climate changeThis CIPRA compact offers an overview on transport projects in the Alps for the reduction and adaptation to climate change. CIPRA shows its main stance on this point: if we do not change our mobility behaviours, climate objectives will not be reached! Truck transport must become more expensive and environmental transport types must be clearly forced. More |
Spatial planning in climate changeThis CIPRA compact offers an overview on spatial planning measures in the Alps for the reduction and adaptation to climate change. Spatial planning can contribute with its tools to ensure climate storage areas such as swamps, forests and river areas and prepare areas for the production of renewable energies. It is fundamental that spatial planning decisions regarding space and settlement structures are moved from local to regional level. More |