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Tour des villes

Dec 18, 2018
[Project completed] Contribution of Alpine towns to the Alpine Week and subsequent consolidation: sustainable settlement development with a focus on village/city centre revitalisation and use of open spaces
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In the framework of Tour des Villes representatives of the Alpine Towns drew from their wide ranging knowledge on sustainable urban development and elaborated together innovative solutions for participation in the planning and realisation process, for decision making and construction of projects for sustainable settlement development, paying special attention to conversion areas.

Project goals    

  • Strengthening the awareness of the representatives of the Alpine towns that they are part of an Alpine region and that their commitment is needed so that the Alps continue to be a unique habitat.
  • Mutual learning from each other and exchange on how city representatives can use their room for manoeuvre for sustainable settlement development.
  • Dissemination of a view of architecture that is committed to a multitude of criteria and does not stop at pure energy indicators.
  • In part also "backing" challenges in the field of spatial planning and urban development ("in the ASDJ Idrija this was successfully solved in this way").
  • Strengthening cohesion among Alpine towns.

Target groups

The target groups were alpine city consultants and city representatives from the fields of spatial planning, private and public building, urban master builders, architects, etc.. The inviting city worked out a concrete question, depending on where it wanted to see the expertise of the participants and which good examples it wanted to present, and defined further actors according to the objects and the thematic focus.

Study visits




Kick-off-workshop in the framework of the AlpWeek 2016 in Grassau/DE for the four project partner-Alpine Towns Idrija, Tolmin, Sonthofen and Tolmezzo.


"Shaping the future on brownfields and disused buildings"interactive session with three experts at the AlpWeek 2016 in Grassuau/DE.


First study visit, Tolmezzo/IT
The military area Caserma Cantore and 18th century Palazzo Linussio


Second study visit, Idrija/SI
The historic wooden miner's houses


Third study visit, Sonthofen/DE


Fourth study visit, Tolmin/SI


Excursion to Switzerland


Presentation of the project results in the framework of the second General Assembly 2018 in Chambéry/F


Presentation of the project results and the final publication in the framework of the AlpWeek Intermezzo, Innsbruck

Project partners

The Alpine Towns Sonthofen, Idrija, Tolmin and Tolmezzo, the Alpine Town of the year association and CIPRA International were partners in the project. Tour des Villes was financially supported by the Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development.

Final publication

Online photo-book:

Available also as print product (box with 21 cards with good ideas for conversion areas)

Final report of the project

Download final report (en)

Tour des Villes on the Alpweek Intermezzo

Pecha Kucha Presentation on the AlpWeek Intermezzo in Innsbruck, 3rd of April, 2019

Further information & downloads


Magdalena Holzer
Project Manager CIPRA International, eMail