Projects & Activities
Nature and people
- Alpine Rhine Valley Green Belt (completed)
- AlpES (completed)
- AlpsLife
- BeeAware! (completed)
- Dialogues on wolves – strengthening shepherds’ networks in the Alps
- Ecological Continuum Initiative (completed)
- ECONNECT (completed)
- greenAlps (completed)
- Ground:breaking
- JeloviZA (completed)
- Knowledge transfer on the co-adaptation of humans and wolves in the Alpine region (completed)
- LiveAlpsNature
- Platform Ecological Network (completed)
- (completed)
- SPARE (completed)
- speciAlps (completed)
- speciAlps2 (completed)
- speciAlps Podcast (completed)
- Worthwild (completed)
Economic transition
- Trata 2.1 (completed)
- Saving:Soils (completed)
- Reset Alpine Tourism (completed)
- Alpine Convention - Sectoral development of the Green Economy in the Alpine region (completed)
- Climate Partnership of Alpine Communities (completed)
- Climate-friendly streetscapes
- Constructive Alps (completed)
- climalp (completed)
- Cross-border Mobility (completed)
- PEMO (completed)
- AlpInnoCT (completed)
- Sustainable Tourism in the Alps (completed)
- Loam camp (completed)
- Alpine Dialogue (completed)
- Green economy in the alpine region (completed)
- 100max (completed)
- climate toolbox (completed)
- Alpstar (completed)
- C3-Alps (completed)
- cc.alps (completed)
- MountEE (completed)
- Tour des villes (completed)
Social innovation
- Alpathon (completed)
- Alpine Changemaker Network
- Alpine Climate Action (completed)
- Alpine Climate Camps (completed)
- Alpine Compass: Youth for quality of life in the Alps (completed)
- Alps 2030 (completed)
- Bon Appétit! (completed)
- Green Deals for Municipalities (completed)
- Re.sources (completed)
- Via Alpina Youth
- Living Labs (completed)
- Sustainable lifestyles in the Alps (completed)
- PlurAlps (completed)
- GaYa (completed)
- I-LivAlps (completed)
- whatsalp youth (completed)
- Youth Alpine Express (completed)
- youTurn (completed)
- Youth Alpine Dialogue (completed)
- YSAM (Youth shaping alpine municipalities) (completed)
- CIPRA youth advisory council
- young@lpWeek (completed)
- alpMedia
- alpMonitor (completed)
- Re-Imagine Alps (completed)
- Alps insight & other publications
Alpine politics
For more than 60 years, CIPRA has been working to promote sustainable policies for the Alps, looking ahead, putting tomorrow’s challenges on the political agenda and taking policymakers to task. More
Alpine networks
CIPRA works with an international network of organizations, institutions and individuals, whose objective is to harmonize ecological balance, economic stability and social progress in the mountain regions worldwide. More
Annual conference
Since 1952 CIPRA has been organising annual international workshops. Since 1981, the annual conferences focus on one topical issue, such as for example climate change, the Alpine Convention, Tourism and Traffic. More
CIPRA Positions and Resolutions
CIPRA takes a stance on significant issues and for the implementation of the Alpine Convention in the Alpine countries, as well as by the EU. With respect to this, it drafts resolutions, declarations and statements. More
Knowledge management & Networking
- Future in the Alps (completed)
- CIPRA summer academy (completed)
- International Year of Mountains 2002 (completed)