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Ecological Continuum Initiative

[Project completed]
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Nature does not stop at the boundaries of protected areas or national borders. And, more and more often, man’s interventions in nature and the landscape are dissecting habitats and lastingly obstructing the exchange and migration of fauna and flora. This is putting Europe’s unique biodiversity in the Alps at risk.
A remedy is now being sought in the form of an integrated ecological network across the entire Alps and beyond. To this end, CIPRA, ALPARC, ISCAR and the WWF have started in summer 2007 the "Ecological Continuum Initiative" with the financial support of the Swiss MAVA Foundation for Nature.

The partners in the Ecological Continuum Initiative worked independently of any project deadlines or political decisions. They have laid the foundations and created a common Alps-wide framework in which people can now take measures at the local level to protect or restore corridors between the habitats of the flora and fauna.
The work of the partners was focussed on the following three targets:

- Initiating, promoting and mentoring activities: Their work and commitment have led to the establishment of the Ecological Network Platform of the Alpine Convention and the ECONNECT project.

- Providing know-how: A harmonised methodology for the whole of the Alps, a catalogue of potential measures and a databank of publications and information on relevant projects as well as experts available to help representatives of protected areas, public authorities and environmental organisations in their implementation of activities.

- Awareness-building: The partners worked to convince decision-makers of the importance of Alps-wide habitat connectivity and to persuade people to make their own contributions to ecological networking.

Further information is available on the website of the Ecological Continuum Initiative.

The partners of the Ecological Continuum Initiative


