sustainable public building

All new buildings and existing buildings undergoing major renovation have to meet ‘very high energy performance’ standards. For many municipalities the transition to a new sustainable and energy-efficient way of building is a major challenge. Most of them lack of know-how, experience and funding. Mountain municipalities are facing additional challenges: extreme climate, low accessibility, small entities, a lack of critical mass, low population density, brain drain and lack of innovation.
MountEE aims to give support to municipalities in three European mountain areas (Scandinavia, Alps, Pyrenees) in order to help them change their way of construction and renovation towards more energy efficiency and sustainability, with a focus on public buildings, including social housing. Renewable energy plays an important role here.
MountEE follows a participatory approach by involving the relevant players in the regional actions: politicians, technical and administrative staff on local and regional level, decision makers in funding institutions, key actors in the building chain: builders, investors, architects, craftsmen, consultants and training institutions. CIPRA coordinates the project as a lead partner and is also responsible for public relations.
The project is financed by the EU-programme IEE (Intelligent Energy - Europe) and the ICF International Charitable Foundation.
Project start: May 2012
Duration: 3 years
Wolfgang Pfefferkorn
CIPRA International