Re-Imagine Alps
The “Re-Imagine Alps” project sees landscape not only in a geographical sense but as a personal and communal perception of the environment, one that is both socially and culturally influenced. Landscape is understood as the result of social actions and perceptions that interrelate with actors and observers. Relationships, memories and visions are all etched into landscapes; when these are revealed and made known they can contribute to the understanding and awareness of matters relating to landscape, environment and nature and subsequently to their sustainable stewardship.
“Re-Imagine Alps” takes up CIPRA’s thematic focus on “Nature and People” and incorporates numerous other activities concerning this topic. The experiences and results of the alpMonitor communications project will serve as a basis and will be further developed. At the heart of “Re-Imagine Alps” is an interactive map of the Alps, constantly updated, that provides information, stories, good examples and activities relating to the topic.
The project will be launched at the end of 2018 and is structured in modules over a period of three years. It is being jointly supported by the CIPRA representations and implemented and co-financed by the Richi Foundation and the Karl Mayer Foundation.
Michael Gams, Communication Executive, CIPRA International, e-mail