AMICA project – Development of local and regional strategies which adopt a comprehensive approach to climate change (in English)
Best regional strategies on Climate Change mitigation and adaptation – Call for and collection of regional best practices on climate change of the Assembly of European Regions (in English, French and German)
Climate action network – A worldwide network of over 430 Non-Governmental Organizations working to promote government and individual action to limit climate change (in English)
Climate-Adapt – The European Climate Adaptation Platform aims to support Europe in adapting to climate change. It is an initiative of the European Commission (in English)
Climate Alliance – A world wide association of more than 1400 cities, municipalities and districts as well as provinces, NGOs and further organisations (with links to Austria, Italy and Switzerland) (in English, German and Spanish)
CLIMIT - CLimate change impacts on Insects and their MITigation - aims to assess the combined impacts of human-induced changes in climate and habitat on some of Europe’s most specialised and threatened grassland insects
dynAlp-climate - Programm of the network Alliance in the Alpes for a sustainable behaviour of alpine municipalities towards climate change
European Commission: information on climate change (in English, some documents in several European languages)
European Environment Agency: Europe wide information on climate change (in English, German, French, Italian, Slovenian and further European languages)
Germanwatch - Climate protection and adaptation to climate change (in English, German, French and Spanish)
GLORIA Global observation research initiative in alpine environments – A world-wide long-term observation network in alpine environments to assess and predict losses in biodiversity and other threats to alpine ecosystems which are under accelerating climate change pressures (in English)
Gloria Orobie - is an international project providing 62 active monitoring stations to measure the effect of climate change to species
Guide to Global Internet Energy Usage - A detailed look at the carbon footprint that our online habits and consumption produce (in English)
IPCC Intergovernmental panel on climate change (in English, French and further languages)
MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management” (MOTIVE) - MOTIVE investigates adaptive management strategies that address climate and land use change (in English)
NOAA Climate Services - National oceanic and atmospheric administration (in English)
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: information on climate change – world wide information, also by countries (in English and French)
The climate portal of the Alpine Convention - The site proposes reference texts, relevant publications and bibliographies, as well as a “knowledge centre”, which recollects useful addresses of the main actors at local and regional level supporting or carrying concrete measures on climate change (in English, German, French, Italian and Slovenian)
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (in English, French and Spanish)
AustroClim: Wissenschaftskooperation im Bereich Klimawandel – Austrian research cooperation in the field of climate change (in German)
Das Österreichische Klimaportal mit internationalen Informationen aus Politik und Forschung – The Austrian climate portal with international information from policy and research (in German and English)
klima:aktiv: Impulsprogramm des Lebensministeriums für effizienten Klimaschutz - programmes of the Environment Ministry to reduce the CO2 output for the fields: mobility, energy saving, building and reconstruction, renewable energy sources, community (in German)
Klimabündnis Österreich – Climate Alliance Austria (in German)
Klima- und Energiefonds: finanzielle Unterstützung für Klimaschutz-Technologien - Climate and energy fund Austria: financial support for climate protection technologies (in German)
Klimaschutzpreis: Auszeichnung für erfolgreiche Klimaschutzaktivitäten in Österreich – Award for successful climate protection activities in Austria (in German)
Klimawandel-Anpassung in Österreich - Website of the austrian environment ministry about adaptation possibilities to climate change (in German)
Lebensministerium: Informationen zum Klimaschutz – Information on climate protection of the Austrian Environment Ministry (in German and English)
Österreichisches Portal für Bildung und Klimaschutz – climate change portal with focus on sensibilisation (in German, some information in English)
Umweltdachverband: Fragen & Antworten zum Klimawandel – Questions and answers on climate change from the environmental roof organisation Umweltdachverband (in German)
Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik: Klima-Informationen – Climate information of the Austrian Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics (in German)
KlimaNetz project – The Role of Human and Social Capital in Coping with and Adapting to Climate Change (in German with English summary)
Le Grenelle de l'Environnement – French Environment Round Table (in French)
Mission interministérielle de l'effet de serre – Interministerial climate change website (in French)
Plan Climat Energie territorial de la région Rhône-Alpes – Climate plan of the Rhône-Alpes region (in French)
Programme privilèges : Projet d'initiatives des villes pour la réduction des émissions des gaz à effets de serre - local authorities project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (in French)
Rhônalpénergie-Environnement, agence de l'énergie et de l'environnement en Rhône-Alpes- Regional agency for energy and environment in Rhône-Alpes : informations on Territorial climate plans (in French and English)
Fördergrundsätze des Freistaats Bayern für kommunale CO2-Minderungsmaßnahmen – CO² reduction program of Bavaria for municipal communities (in German) - unabhängiges Online-Magazin für Nachrichten und Hintergrundanalysen, Debatten und Reportagen, Kolumnen, Blogs und Kommentare.
Klimaschutz in Bayern – Climate protection in Bavaria (in German)
Klimawandel vor Gericht - Project about development of education tools dealing with climate change and sustainable decisions.
KomPass Tatenbank - Datenbank für Massnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel
Spiekerooger KlimaGespräche - Das Forum für den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit dem Klimawandel.
Umweltbundesamt: Klimaschutz – Climate protection information of the Environment Agency (in German and English)
Umweltministerium: Klima und Energie – Information on climate and energy of the Environment Ministry (in German and English)
Alleanza per il clima Italia – Climate Alliance Italy (in Italian)
Enti locali per Kyoto – Local communities for Kyoto (in Italian)
Trentino Progetto Clima – Climate project of the autonomous region of Trentino (in Italian)
Plan B za Slovenijo: Pobuda za trajnostni razvoj – Plan B for Slovenia - sustainable development initiative (in Slovenian and English)
Slovenija znižuje CO2– Slovenia is reducing CO2 levels (in Slovenian and English)
Klimabündnis Schweiz – Climate Alliance Switzerland (in German)
ProClim: Swiss forum for climate and global change issues (in English)
Stiftung Klimarappen - Foundation of the Schweizer Wirtschaft (in English/German/French)