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Good Practice

The good practice climate response measures listed below were selected from the pool of all the measures submitted at the cc.alps competition or researched by the CIPRA in the various Alpine countries. All the measures were evaluated according to a system specially developed by cc.alps for that purpose (please consult the evaluation system and the data set). The descriptions of the individual measures are available only in those languages in which they were submitted.

Here you can search through the database of all the climate response measures using different search criteria.


Title Country
"100% aus der Region für die Region" - nachhaltige Energieversorgung im Achental ("100% from the region for the region" - sustainable energy supply for the Achental ) de (Germany)
Amstetten 2010 + Zukunft aktiv gestalten (Amstetten 2010 + creating the future) at (Austria)
Centrale di cogenerazione di Dobbiaco (Cogeneration plant of Dobbiaco) it (Italy)
CO2-neutrales und autofreies Almenland (CO2-neutral and carfree alpine pasture) at (Austria)
Davos auf dem Weg nach Kyoto: Effektiver Klimaschutz dank lokaler CO2-Bilanz (Davos on the road to Kyoto: The CO2-budget indicates where to reduce emissions and how to deal with carbon sinks) ch (Switzerland)
Développement de la filière bois énergie dans le PNR du Lubéron (Development of the wood-energy chain supply in the Lubéron nature Parc) fr (France)
energie.bewusst leben (energy conscious living) at (Austria)
Energieeffiziente Gemeinde (energieefficent comunity) at (Austria)
FAHR RAD Wettbewerb () at (Austria)
Herausforderung Klimawandel – mit abgestimmten und robusten Maßnahmen Klima und Bevölkerung bestmöglich schützen (Towards robust planning and co-ordination of regional action on climate change) at (Austria)
IG bus alpin () ch (Switzerland)
Il Parco senz'auto (Park without cars) it (Italy)
Impulsprogramm Photovoltaik „Strom vom Dach“ (Impulse Programm Photovoltaics "Electricity from the roof") li (Liechtenstein)
Klimabündnis Wienerwald () at (Austria)
KlimaHaus / CasaClima (ClimateHouse) it (Italy)
Klimavorsorge im Bergwald durch Förderung der Baumart Tanne (Securing mountain forests by promoting silver fir) de (Germany)
Le montagne in cammino (Walking Mountains) fr (France)
it (Italy)
Les Gets Projet village 2003/2013 (Village project "Les Gets" 2003/2013) fr (France)
Moorrenaturierung im bayerischen Alpenraum (Peatland-restoration in the region of the alps in Bavaria) de (Germany)
Nachhaltige Flusssgebietsentwicklung Untere Salzach (Sustainable Developement of the Rivershed 'Untere Salzach') at (Austria)
de (Germany)
Nationalpark Hohe Tauern ScienceCenter - Wetterküche & Klimalabor (Nationalpark Hohe Tauern ScienceCenter - Weather & Climate Lab) at (Austria)
Oeko Energievision Flerden (Oeko Energy Vision Flerden) ch (Switzerland)
Plan de Déplacement Entreprise (PDE) (Company Travel Plan (PDE)) fr (France)
plan-b: andere Wege von a nach b (plan-b: other ways from a to b) at (Austria)
Progetto "Strada Regina" ("Strada Regina" project) ch (Switzerland)
Sanierung eines Mehrfamilienwohnhauses auf "Faktor 10" () at (Austria)
Servicepaket: "Nachhaltig:Bauen in der Gemeinde" () at (Austria)
Solar-Aktion: 1000 Sonnendächer für Vorarlberg (Solarcampaign: 1000 solar-roofs for Vorarlberg) at (Austria)
Solarpark Werfenweng - Eine von vielen Maßnahmen zum Schutz des Klimas in Werfenweng (Solarpark Werfenweng - One measure out of plenty for a better climate in Werfenweng) at (Austria)
Sonce - energija prihodnosti (Sun - energy of the future) si (Slovenia)
Umweltschutz konkret - Maßnahmen zum Klimaschutz am Gymnasium Neutraubling (Environment-protection in action! Measures against global warming at Gymnasium Neutraubling.) de (Germany)
Wildpoldsried innovativ richtungsweisend - WIR () de (Germany)
Zentrum für Umwelt und Kultur (Centre of Environment and Culture) de (Germany)

The cc.alps competition

Out of the 160 contributions to the cc.alps competition CIPRA awarded seven winning projects in Autumn 2008. Further six have been chosen for the final selection. Here you can find the wide range of awarded and submitted climate response measures from all over the Alps.

Further good practice examples...

... of which many make also a contribution to climate protection or to the adaptation to the consequences of climate change:

  • regarding all aspects of sustainable development: more
  • from the Future in the Alps project on six topics from transport to protected areas: more