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Workshops of the Alps-Carpathian co-operation project

Apr 06, 2006 / alpMedia
The Alpine Network of Protected Areas is organising two international workshops as part of the co-operation project between the Alps and the Carpathians. The first workshop entitled Integrated Management of Protected Areas is to be held at the Mala Fatra National Park in Slovakia from 1 to 3 June.
Malta Fatra Nationalpark
Image caption:
An international network of protected areas is planned in the Carpathians - pictured here is the Mala Fatra National Park. ©,
The second workshop, to be held in the Piatra Craiului National Park in Romania from 10 - 13 July, is entitled Sustainable Tourist Management in Protected Areas.
These events, to be organised in English, are aimed at the managers and staff of protected areas, scientists and other interested organisations and individuals involved with protected areas. The exchange of practical experience is to be a key element of the presentations, discussions and excursions. In Romania for instance a joint work programme is to be drawn up in the tourism sector between the protected areas of the Alps and those of the Carpathians.
Information and registration: (de/fr/it/sl/en)