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Mountains of Europe - Stakeholders, legitimization, delineation

Montagnes d'Europe - Mountains of Europe
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Year of publication2004
Co-authorsFrançoise Gerbaux, Anne Marie Granet-Abisset, Martin F. Price, Igor Lysenko, Erik Gloersen, Juliet J. Fall, Harald Egerer, Werner Bätzing, Paul Messerli, Thomas Scheurer
Publisher(s)Revue de Géographie Alpine
Institut de Géographie Alpine
Place of publicationGrenoble
Number of pages144
Languageen, fr
JournalRevue de géographie alpine - Journal of Alpine Research
Magazine No.Bd. 92, Nr. 2, Juni 2004
The publication focuses on three main points: the development of political programmes and organisations that advocate an improvement in the situation in mountain regions; the new role and location of alpine regions, which as a result of the EU's enlargement to the east have shifted from a geographically marginal position to the very centre of Europe; the geographic definition and description of European mountains. A great deal of space is dedicated to both the Alpine Convention and the Carpathian Convention.
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