CIPRA representatives:

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  • A network of sensors for climate forecasts

    Environmental scientists and IT and communication engineers have got together as part of the Swiss Experiment Project to try and assess the impact of climate change in the Alps at the earliest possible stage.

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  • Snow levels depend on more than just altitude

    New results by the Austrian research project STRATEGE show that snow levels do not necessarily depend on altitude. In precipitation scenarios relating to climate change, researchers found that other factors such as the micro climate, relief and exposure of the locations concerned also had to be considered.

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  • EU warming to the idea of an Alpine transit exchange

    For some time now Switzerland's Bundesrat [Federal Council] has been wanting to push ahead with relocating freight-related transit traffic from the road to the rail by creating an Alpine transit exchange. Transit quotas for freight on the road could then be auctioned from the exchange.

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  • Green Paper on urban mobility

    The European Commission's new Green Paper entitled "Towards a new culture for urban mobility" looks at the mobility and ecology of European towns and cities. In Europe a good 60% of the population lives in urban areas. Just under 85% of the EU's gross domestic product is generated in those areas.

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  • European Commission adopts measures to promote freight traffic

    On 18 October the European Commission adopted a series of measures aimed at boosting the efficiency, integration and sustainability of freight transport within the Union.

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  • Werfenweg has Austria's longest solar-powered street


    The Municipality of Werfenweng in Salzburg is saving €38,000 by using solar lighting. 17 recently installed solar streetlights have proved to be the cheapest way of lighting a path some 700 m long on the town's outskirts. This makes it currently Austria's longest solar-powered street.

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  • Interreg III B projects MONITRAF and ALPNAP

    Transport across the Alps is at the centre of the Final Conference of the Interreg III B projects MONITRAF and ALPNAP, which have been running since 2005. The Conference is entitled "Transport across the Alps. Approaches and common measures for sustainable transport development in the Alpine region".

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  • Call for a more strategic approach to mountain area development

    At a meeting of the Adelboden Group held in Rome on 3 October over 60 representatives from governments, civil society and international organisations from mountain countries across the globe called for a more coherent approach to sustainable development in mountain areas.

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  • UN Conference on Tourism and Climate Change

    A three-day United Nations conference was held in Davos/CH in early October on the subject of tourism and climate change. In a joint statement the participants urged action by the tourism sector to face climate change and reduce emissions.

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  • Negative CO2 balance in the Alpine region


    The Alps have the potential to become a model region for climate protection. And yet today, on a global comparison, every inhabitant of the Alps is contributing disproportionately to the greenhouse gas emissions affecting the climate.

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