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Alps / Europe

News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from the Alps and the european region.

Davos on the road to Kyoto



Davos, Switzerland's highest town, is working towards a more climate-friendly local policy.

Exchange of know-how on regional management


Two events focusing on regional development and management are scheduled for the beginning of 2007 as part of the workshop series entitled "Future in the Alps: Getting Knowledge Across - Networking People" organised by CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps.

Database on experts in mountain area research


The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) has gone online with an expert database comprising almost 5,000 entries on people in governmental and non-governmental organisations as well as private groups who are involved in research into mountain regions in general and the impact of climate change in particular.


The Alpine Convention as such is not transferable to other regions. However many of its principles and the experience gained with the Alpine process in particular have proved of value to the sustainable development of non-alpine mountain regions.