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Alpine Convention: concrete measures on behalf of the climate

Nov 16, 2006 / alpMedia
On November 9 the environment ministers of the alpine states convened for the Alpine Conference, which is held every two years.
CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, welcomes the decision of the alpine states to adopt a joint action plan on climate protection. Italy's Marco Onida was elected as the new Secretary General. The ministers adopted a declaration on climate protection comprised on the one hand of measures aimed at combating climate change and, on the other, of adaptation strategies for the Alps. CIPRA indicated that there were enough declarations and recommendations for action and that it was now time for the alpine states to act. At CIPRA's suggestion the environment ministers agreed to draw up a concrete action plan for climate protection including a timetable for implementing the measures and initiatives.
Source: CIPRA International
Filed under: international treaties