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News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from Slovenia.

Media releases

Restoring a damaged forest and other good practices: The JeloviZa project implemented a management model for a sensible natural area in Slovenia.

The role of forests in climate change


What role will forests play in the future in the face of climate change? At the end of 2023, CIPRA Slovenia co-organized a meeting of various interest groups on this topic. Experts agreed on the need to designate more areas where forests are left unmanaged.

Lawsuits and laws for climate protection


Climate protection laws define clear climate targets, but for many the measures set out are insufficient. Climate lawsuits are increasing political pressure in the Alpine countries.

Commuting made easy


Commuting to work in healthier, more environmentally friendly ways: this is the goal set by the Slovenian municipality of Škofja Loka and local companies in the Trata 2.1 project, inspired by the experiences of corporate mobility management in the Alpine Rhine Valley.

Trata 2.1

Commuting made easy: The mobility of commuters in the Slovenian industrial area of Trata is to become more environmentally friendly - with the help of experiences from similar projects in the border triangle of Switzerland-Austria-Liechtenstein.

Alpine Policy 2023: the Slovenian-Swiss year


This year, Slovenia and Switzerland will play a decisive role in shaping international cooperation between states and regions in the Alps: Slovenia is taking over the presidency of the Alpine Convention, while Switzerland is the first non-EU country to chair the Eusalp, the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region.

Alpine towns – key to sustainable development



The ninth Report on the State of the Alps, entitled “Alpine Towns”, was presented as part of the Swiss presidency of the Alpine Convention. It sheds light on how the Alpine settlement system hinders – or helps – the sustainable development of the Alps.

Bad atmosphere in the Soča Valley


Slovenia’s largest cement plant is located in the Soča Valley: it is facing criticism for endangering the health of the local population through air pollution. This criticism has now also been confirmed by the UN Special Rapporteur David Boyd after his visit to Slovenia in autumn 2022.