CIPRA representatives:

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  • Point of view: We need an Alpine Ticket for public transport

    Homeschooling, no public transport and closed borders: the corona crisis has revealed some aspects of life that people did not previously appreciate so much. An Alps-wide ticket for public transport could tackle all of these issues, as Rok Brišnik explains. He studies Geography and History at the University of Ljubljana/SI and is a member of the CIPRA Youth Council (CYC).

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  • Climate protection: from plan to action


    The Alps as a climate-neutral, climate-resistant region by 2050: this is the objective of the newly launched “Climate Action Plan 2.0” of the Alpine Convention. Concrete steps will now follow in such areas as mountain farming, spatial planning and biodiversity.

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  • Ill-chosen incentives may fuel transit

    More e-trucks instead of a shift to rail: a new EU directive could further fuel the burden of freight traffic through the Alps.

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  • New dual leadership for CIPRA


    Bianca Elzenbaumer and Serena Arduino are the new Co-Presidents of CIPRA International. They succeed Katharina Conradin, who has been in office for almost seven years.

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  • CO2 legislation: more courage needed


    While the new CO2 law in Switzerland has for the time being failed, a climate protection alliance is forming in Bavaria; Austria is discussing a climate protection law; and in France the Climate Council is taking courageous decisions.

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  • “Netzwerkstatt Alpen” ceremonially opened


    The official inauguration of the building, an open day and a visit from the “Klimaspuren”: a number of events took place at the “Netzwerkstatt Alpen” in Schaan/LI on the occasion of World Environment Day and the Alpine-wide Climate Hour.

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  • Dangers with wolves


    The wolves are back: a CIPRA project now sheds light on why transparent communication, professional herding and more networking are needed.

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  • Dutch-Alpine partnership for sustainable tourism


    Since 2021 the Dutch Climbing and Mountaineering Association (NKBV) is new supporting member of CIPRA International. Regarding the large impact of Dutch visitors, the aim of the partnership is to contribute to sustainability in Alpine tourism.

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  • Mountaineering villages: from the Western Alps to the Mediterranean Sea


    The “Mountaineering Villages” initiative unites small communities in the Alpine region that focus on gentle tourism and nature conservation. Now there are six new members from Italy, Austria and, for the first time, Switzerland.

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  • Strange but true!


    A “vision,” an innovative “lighthouse project” with “international appeal” – while countless cannons provide the necessary snow in other Alpine regions, eastern Switzerland is planning something really big: an indoor snow sports facility in a mountain tunnel in Flums. What is already possible on Dubai’s indoor ski slope, namely weather-independent winter sports, is to become a reality in eastern Switzerland by 2030.

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