CIPRA Positions
Hydropower in the Alps
How much hydropower use is environmentally compatible and ecologically sustainable? This question has been on the minds of people in the Alpine region for decades - all the more so against the backdrop of the urgent need to move away from fossil fuels. There are currently around 21,000 hydropower plants in operation in Europe, 300 under construction and over 8,500 in the planning stage. In many places, climate change with its imponderables such as extreme floods is being countered with more dams and walls, although river widening, for example, would make more ecological sense.
Alpine landscape is not renewable!
Landscape is a key to negotiating social and political issues. CIPRA has taken up these issues as part of its Alpine-wide priority theme “Landscape” 2019-2020. This position paper, which was developed in a broad and participatory process with CIPRA representatives, young Alpine women and experts from all Alpine countries, is the conclusion of this priority theme.
Open letter on transit traffic: CIPRA demands toll increase
Solstice in winter tourism
Tourism has brought wealth to the Alps. In many regions it remains an important source of income, but lack of economic diversification is also a risk. The importance and orientation of tourism differs strongly among Alpine countries, but all of them need new strategies and approaches to cope with shifts in visitor behaviour and climate change. A socio-economic transformation is needed that takes account of tourism’s past, present and future potential.
Transport sufficiency: Towards a new sustainable mobility culture
CIPRA Position on the mobility of goods and people in the Alps
Appeal: Climate change mitigation now!
An appeal from the Alpine municipalities and their inhabitants to the participants of COP 21
Alpine rivers are not renewable
Towards a fully sustainable energy strategy in the Alps
Alps without Olympics: CIPRA’s demands concerning Olympic Winter Games
CIPRA International believes that, given the present situation, the Olympic Winter Games should no longer be held in the Alps. The Alps should remain the Olympic-free zone they have been since 2006. As they currently stand, the Olympic Winter Games are neither environmentally nor socially acceptable. CIPRA is therefore opposed to the Winter Olympics being staged in the Alps – or anywhere else – in their current form. Developments in recent decades show that the mountain regions are no longer suitable venues for these environmentally harmful and ruinous major events. Referendums held in the Canton of Grisons and in Munich prove that large segments of the population of the Alps are no longer willing to shoulder the burden of Olympic Winter Games.
New solidarity between the Alps and surrounding areas. CIPRA position paper on a European Macro-Region Strategy for the Alps
Various political actors in the Alpine space are pushing for a European strategy for a macro-region for the Alps (MRS Alps). The International Alpine Protection Commission CIPRA, with over one hundred member organisations, possesses a wide-ranging network in all Alpine countries that extends beyond the Alps and into the surrounding metropolitan areas. CIPRA is therefore actively joining the process for a Macro-Regional Strategy for the Alps, representing the interests of sustainable, eco-friendly Alpine policies. Strengthened co-operation in such a MRS Alps must take place with the Alpine regions and surrounding areas as equal partners without undermining the achievements of the Alpine Convention.
Healthy, natural forests: responding to climate change! cc.alps: CIPRA's demands for forest management
As forestry measures have long-term effects, adaptation of the forests to new climate conditions is urgently needed - but it should be initiated with great caution. The carbon storage ability of forests has to be exploited. Wood should first be used as a raw and building material; only under certain circumstances it should be used for heating. Short regional exploitation cycles are to be created. Natural forests should be fostered as they are more resilient to climate change. Forest owners who in the interest of climate protection give up part of their earnings should be compensated. Finally targeted research into practical climate adaptation measures has to become an important long-term task.