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  • New publication on regional development and landscape change in the Alps

    The publication "Regional Development and Cultural Landscape Change in the Alps" features results from the completed REGALP research project, which was funded by the European Commission under the 5th Framework Programme.

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  • Water consumption high despite dry spells

    (27.01.2006) According to data from Arpa Piemonte the Piedmont region/IT had only half the amount of its usual rainfall last year (430 mm). The consequences of this dry spell now include a lack of drinking water and low water levels in the region's lakes.

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  • International Master of Landscape Architecture

    (12.01.2006) The Master of Landscape Architecture (IMLA) at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil/CH is to be expanded in 2006, and will now also be available jointly at the Universities of Nürtingen-Geislingen/D and Weihenstephan/D.

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  • International conference on cross-alpine traffic


    The international "Transport Across the Alps" conference is to be held in Lucerne/CH from 1 to 3 December. Key issues to be addressed at the conference include the impact of road traffic along the main alpine thoroughfares, the influence of statutory and political provisions on transit traffic and the interactions between transport, regional development, tourism, the environment and the economy.

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  • Alpine summit flora undergoing rapid change

    As part of their study on the "Influence of Climate Change on Succession Processes and Population Dynamics of Vegetation in Alpine Environments" research teams at the universities of Hanover/D and Zurich/CH have concluded that the rate of change in the floristic composition of vegetation in the Swiss Alps is increasing all the time. According to the experts this trend is consistent with global climate change.

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  • International Mountain Day 2005


    The theme chosen for this year's International Mountain Day is "Sustainable Tourism for Poverty Alleviation in Mountain Areas". As in the two previous years it is being held on 11 December.

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  • "Pearls of the Alps" - Tourism communities promote gentle mobility

    25 communities in Italy, Austria, Germany, France and Switzerland have come together to form the "Pearls of the Alps" network. Their objective is to combine tourist sights with the benefits of gentle mobility.

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  • MIREN: a new network looks at invasive plants in mountain regions

    MIREN (Mountain Invasion Research Network) is a new global research network that was founded this summer as part of a workshop in Vienna/A. It focuses on the problem of invasive plants in mountain regions, particularly from the aspect of global change.

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  • Holidaying without barriers? A new Interreg project focuses on the disabled

    Una montagna per tutti (a mountain for everyone) is the name of an Interreg project between Italy and France that was launched only recently and focuses on people with disabilities.

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  • Mountains and the modern age: innovative construction at high altitudes


    The Austrian Tourist Club [Österreichischer Touristenklub] recently opened the first high-alpine passive building, namely the Schiestlhaus am Hochschwab/A at 2,153 m.

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