CIPRA representatives:

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  • The Alps as the focus of climate policy


    Temperatures in the Alps are rising faster than the global average. The search for solutions is not limited to the World Climate Conference being held in Bonn, Germany.

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  • Point of view: Skiing, adieu!


    Winter is here and in many ski resorts the snow cannons are running at full blast. Yet the number of skiers is in decline, making it hard to justify the immense investments made with the aim of expanding ski areas. It is time to realise that skiing is not a business model with a future, says Katharina Conradin, President of CIPRA International.

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  • Awards for attractive, well-built constructions


    At the end of October 2017 in Bern, Switzerland, Constructive Alps crowned the winning projects, demonstrating that Alpine architecture can not only be pleasing on the eye, but sustainable too.

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  • Society’s demands mark the landscape


    Conflicting needs and exaggerated expectations collide when it comes to spatial planning. Its role needs to be rethought, with a move away from overall planning and a shift towards guidance and awareness-raising. This was the tenor of the CIPRA Annual Conference held on 29 and 30 September 2017 in Innsbruck, Austria.

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  • A blessing and a curse


    Some places are deserted, others are overrun by tourists. The two Slovenian municipalities of Bled and Bohinj in the Triglav National Park were faced with the latter situation, as they struggled with masses of cars this summer.

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  • A pioneering region for a carbon-neutral economy and life


    The economy of the Alps is to become greener. To make sure it takes on this colour, the comprehensive action programme “Greening the Economy in the Alpine Region” has been launched.

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  • Turning risks into opportunities

    “Our experiences with the

    On this October afternoon in the Swiss region of Surselva, the hotel in Vals is a hive of activity as a group of people discuss and gesticulate in German and Romansh. They’re engaged in an exchange of views on the opportunities, risks, and future of the valley in the wake of climate change.

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  • Mobility as a state of mind

    “For me, cross-border

    “People very quickly forget about a traffic jam providing it doesn’t lasts longer than ten minutes.” 140 pairs of eyes were focused on the speaker Gerhard Fehr. At the international symposium on commuter mobility in Hard, Austria, in mid-November, Mr Fehr, a behavioural economist, was showing his audience why the choice of means of transport is often not a rational decision.

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  • Laughing, walking and learning from each other


    CIPRA Slovenia. Increasingly, children are now being driven to school by their parents. CIPRA Slovenia is working to counter that trend by working with the Institute for Spatial Policies and the Association for Sustainable Development. And thanks to the Pedibus, schoolchildren get to exercise – and have more opportunities for contact with children of the same age.

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  • A beacon for sustainable tourism


    The second weekend in August will once again see the “Fire across the Alps” burning. In this, the UN Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, these watch-fires are intended to stimulate ideas as to the necessary changes for tourism in the Alps.

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