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Laughing, walking and learning from each other

Jul 27, 2017
CIPRA Slovenia. Increasingly, children are now being driven to school by their parents. CIPRA Slovenia is working to counter that trend by working with the Institute for Spatial Policies and the Association for Sustainable Development. And thanks to the Pedibus, schoolchildren get to exercise – and have more opportunities for contact with children of the same age.
Image caption:
Time to play after walking home from school together. © Heinz Heiss

The Pedibus is a children’s group accompanied by an adult either on foot. The little ones are collected from “bus stops” at fixed times, taken to school and then brought back again. Workshops that are part of the Sustainable Mobility in Practice project offered stakeholder groups such as municipalities, school boards and teachers the opportunity to get to know new mobility concepts and try them out for themselves. The response from participants was entirely positive, and they are now planning to implement such measures at their schools too.

Good examples of sustainable mobility from Slovenia and other countries served as role models for new solutions as part of the project. Besides various workshops the project partners also organised a field trip to Bolzano/I and published the collated mobility measures.

Members of the teaching body and municipality staff took part in the field trip to Bolzano. On site they visited municipal infrastructure solutions, travelled throughout the Vinschgau region by train, and found out how measures are implemented in practice at a school. With its “Sustainable Mobility in Schools” project, CIPRA Slovenia and partners are to continue their efforts for a more eco-friendly form of mobility in 2017.