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News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from Switzerland.


As part of their study on the "Influence of Climate Change on Succession Processes and Population Dynamics of Vegetation in Alpine Environments" research teams at the universities of Hanover/D and Zurich/CH have concluded that the rate of change in the floristic composition of vegetation in the Swiss Alps is increasing all the time. According to the experts this trend is consistent with global climate change.

Swiss Bird Index tracks Alpine birds


The Sempach Ornithological Station and the Swiss Association for the Protection of Birds [Schweizer Vogelschutz] have developed a Swiss Bird Index (SBI) modelled on stock exchange indices.


A new study analyses the impact of a potential climate change on hydrological discharge regimes from the Swiss Alpine region for the period between 2020 and 2050. Eleven catchment areas with different glaciation rates and altitude ranges were examined.


Scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Snow and Landscape Research have found specimens of mistletoe at altitudes of up to 1500 m. It was previously thought that in Switzerland mistletoe grew only in areas below 1000 m above sea level.