CIPRA representatives:

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News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from Germany.

A current bone of contention between different interest groups is the priority to be given to the various uses made of the Alpine Rhine: as a farming area, as a habitat for the little ringed plover and the German tamarisk, or as a drinking water reservoir. SPARE, a new European Union project for the Alpine region, will offer assistance for the holistic management of watercourses.

Wolfgang Burhenne is a most renowned and highly honoured personality in environmental law worldwide. International instruments such as the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature, the World Charter for Nature, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and others are rooted in his ideas, engagement and professional input. This book shows how passion and talent in a person combined with life experiences and circumstances in society and politics to shape a unique life. In the case of Burhenne, his life achievements benefit us all, as well as future generations.

How much protection for protected areas?



The Alps are a bastion of biodiversity, a function that will become even more important in the future as rising temperatures endanger the survival of many species at lower altitudes.


How do we manage the balancing act between renewable energy production and nature conservation in the Alps? The final conference of the project can provide the answers. Organised by CIPRA, it will take place from 20 to 21 May 2015 in Sonthofen, Germany.

Strange but true...


... a white complexion, slim, almost dainty – truly a feast for the eyes. And, most important of all, very well developed.

Ski tourism: an insatiable hunger



Gigantic artificial lakes, myriads of snow cannons, secret forest clearances. Ski areas are continuing to expand in all Alpine countries, often using questionable methods and concepts. Below are three examples.

Salmon coming to the Rhine



From the Atlantic to the Alps: by 2020 the Rhine will once again be a home to salmon. These migratory fish will then be able to swim unhindered all the way to Basel -short-term by unconventional means where necessary.