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Alps / Europe

News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from the Alps and the european region.

Point of view: Mountains for everyone? Not a chance!


Access to the mountains and mountain sports is often unfair, exclusive, segregating and discriminatory. Henriette Adolf, Deputy Executive Director of CIPRA Germany, argues in favour of equal participation in mountain sports.

Extreme weather at a glance across the Alps


At the end of November, a new Alpine-wide research centre presented itself to the public at the Schneefernerhaus, the German environmental research station below the Zugspitze peak: the “TUM Alpha – Centre for Alpine Hazards and Risks” will coordinate, on an international basis, the prediction of extreme climate events in the mountains.

2030 Winter Olympics in Nice


Switzerland’s idea of decentralised, sustainable games has been rejected by the IOC. Instead, the French Mediterranean city of Nice is very likely to be awarded the contract.

Nudging in Alpine tourism


How can visitors to sensitive natural areas in the Alps be encouraged to behave responsibly without either prohibitions or financial incentives? The role of behavioural psychology in this field was discussed by some 150 participants in the webinar entitled “Nudging in Alpine Tourism”, held in September 2023.

Revitalising mountain regions


Trial living in villages, creating meeting spaces, revitalising wastelands: how new ideas can help to get people excited about living in the Alps again.

Flooded mountains


Drought, flooded villages, landslides and landslips: these have all happened in the Alps, but the climate crisis is making natural disasters more likely and preparations for emergencies all the more important. An Alpine-wide research project is therefore investigating the climate resilience of biosphere reserves.

International Glacier Caravan


Six stages through three Alpine countries: this year’s international campaign by the Italian environmental organisation Legambiente, with the participation of CIPRA, condemned the retreat of the glaciers and thus raised awareness of climate change.

Desealing land in the Alpine region


Soils are among our most important resources. CIPRA's new project, entitled Ground:breaking, shows why desealing land is of benefit to everyone and what is needed at political, legal and local levels in the Alpine region to achieve this.

The Nature Restoration Law now obliges all EU member states to restore destroyed nature to a good ecological condition and thus safeguard the stocks of pollinators, natural resources, clean air and clean water. The Alpine region and its agriculture will also benefit, says Serena Arduino, Co-President of CIPRA International.

What do young people need for a good life in the Alps? The CIPRA Youth Council (CYC) celebrated its tenth anniversary at the beginning of July 2023 with a panel discussion, a podcast workshop and a joint hike.