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Alps / Europe

News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from the Alps and the european region.

55th international mountain film festival in Trento


The Trento Film Festival is being held in Trento/I from 24 April to 6 May 2007 for the 55th time. Topical documentary and feature films are to be screened in four categories, with awards going to the best.

Low-cost construction method for the KlimaHau


The provinces of South Tyrol/I and Lower Saxony/D have co-developed the world's first ever energy-saving prefabricated house based on a low-cost construction method. The aim is to establish and use the South Tyrol KlimaHaus as an alternative construction method for Africa and disaster areas.

1.5 tonnes of artificial fertilizer for skiing competitions?


The impact of climate change on skiing areas is the subject of the OECD study published on 13 December 2006. It concludes that if a region's average annual temperature increases by one degree, only around 500 of the 666 skiing areas in the Alps could be assured of snow.