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CIPRA's point of view: New solidarity between the Alps and metropolitan areas

May 30, 2012 / alpMedia
Various political actors are pushing for the development of a macro-region for the Alps. CIPRA also says yes to an Alpine macro-region - but only within a clear framework. This offers the opportunity to make the rest of Europe aware of the issues facing its Alpine regions.
Image caption:
The Italian metropolis of Milan: a new solidarity is needed between the Alpine region and the major cities at the edge of the Alps. © Oliver Weber/
The Alpine Convention has led to the establishment of committed networks like the "Alliance in the Alps" for communities. Yet the Alpine Convention is inadequately implemented in the individual states. Now a train is rapidly approaching with the vague destination of a macro-region for the Alps. The proposal comes from the European Union: a macro-region is aimed at helping areas without firm political and administrative borders to address their common challenges. No new institutions, funds or laws will be provided.
Nobody wants to miss the train to the Alpine macro-region. But where exactly is it ultimately heading, who decides how fast it is going, and what will the tickets cost? Numerous questions remain unanswered. CIPRA is taking a stance and actively joining the discussion: a macro-regional strategy may be an opportunity to make Europe aware of the issues facing its Alpine regions. The problems facing the Alps also concern the surrounding metropolitan areas. A new solidarity is thus required between those involved, both inside and outside the Alpine arc.
The Alpine Convention must be among those on board the train heading towards the Alpine macro-region. The values acquired by means of this unique international treaty must be applied as a minimum standard to the protection and sustainable development of an extended Alpine region.

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