Discussion on territorial cohesion in Europe
Dec 18, 2008
Discussion of the European Commission's Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion entitled "Territorial Diversion as Strength" has been underway since October 2008.
The contributions are to provide the basis for a new European cohesion policy for the period after 2013.
The Green Paper opens up interesting perspectives on the formulation and implementation of specific strategies adapted to macro regions such as the Alps. The Alpine region could therefore benefit from greater and more efficient co-operation between the Alpine Convention and the EU. Indeed, in this Green Paper, territorial particularities form the mainstays of a broad-based cohesion policy, along with a broad range of policy formulation at several levels (from European-wide to local). EU Commissioner Danuta Hübner does also believe that "by viewing cohesion from a territorial angle attention can be brought to themes such as sustainable development and access to services".
All citizens and organisations have the possibility of submitting their contribution online by 28 February 2009 at the following address: (de/fr/it/en).
Source: (de/fr/it/sl/en)
The Green Paper opens up interesting perspectives on the formulation and implementation of specific strategies adapted to macro regions such as the Alps. The Alpine region could therefore benefit from greater and more efficient co-operation between the Alpine Convention and the EU. Indeed, in this Green Paper, territorial particularities form the mainstays of a broad-based cohesion policy, along with a broad range of policy formulation at several levels (from European-wide to local). EU Commissioner Danuta Hübner does also believe that "by viewing cohesion from a territorial angle attention can be brought to themes such as sustainable development and access to services".
All citizens and organisations have the possibility of submitting their contribution online by 28 February 2009 at the following address: (de/fr/it/en).
Source: (de/fr/it/sl/en)