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ECONNECT photo contest: clicks beyond borders

Sep 30, 2010 / alpMedia
The partners in the Econnect project invite amateurs and professional photographers to make a pictorial record of ecosystem fragmentation in the Alps. The photo contest "Clicks beyond the borders" aims to visualize the importance of ecological links in the Alps in powerful images.
Photos help to make people aware that they create obstacles to the free migration of plants and animals.
Image caption:
Photos help to make people aware that they create obstacles to the free migration of plants and animals. © Andrew Winning
The pictures should show barriers to ecological connectivity as well as strategies of animals and plants, helped by human beings, to surmount these barriers. The closing date is 15 January 2011. There will be awards for the twelve best pictures. These will also be exhibited during the final conference of the ECONNECT project in Berchtesgaden/D and be reproduced in a calendar.
With this contest, the partners in the EU-funded three-year project ECONNECT want to make the public more aware of the theme of ecological connectivity: although the theme is a very important one, it has received little attention in the popular media so far.
More information on the contest: (de/en/fr/it/sl)
Filed under: Networking