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Understandable and visualised ECONNECT website

Mar 26, 2010 / CIPRA Internationale Alpenschutzkommission
The ECONNECT website has recently been translated into the four project languages (French, German, Italian and Slovenian) and will soon be updated with maps.
ECONNECT website
Image caption:
The ECONNECT website by now also in the alpine languages: it has recently been translated into French, German, Italian and Slowenian. © ECONNECT
The work package 3 "Information and Publicity" is furthermore going to launch a photo contest that aims at involving photographers all across the Alps. The contest will start in June and last until the end of December. The theme of the contest and the members of the jury have already been decided. The contest will be based on Flickr social network and on the ECONNECT website. More information will be soon available on
Thanks to the "GeoPortal" tool developed in the frame of work package 4, maps of the Pilot Regions will be put online to make people understand where the project is acting and which measures ECONNECT is evaluating and implementing. The GeoPortal will thus make the website more appealing. The maps will be presented using Google Maps. This will allow showing the location of all measures put in place by the Pilot Regions.
Further information on ECONNECT Project: