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International events on "Water in the Mountains"

Apr 21, 2006 / alpMedia
The 2nd "Water in Mountains" International Congress on "Integrated Management of High Watersheds - Implementing the European Water-Framework Directive" is to be held in Megève/F from 20 to 22 September 2006.
Mastrilser Auen
Image caption:
Water in the mountains (Mastrils/CH) ©
Participants from mountain regions are to be supported by the Congress organised by the Société d'Economie Alpestre de la Haute-Savoie in implementing sustainable water management strategies using an integrative approach.
The following week sees the staging of the conference entitled "The Water Balance of the Alps - Why Do We Need to Protect the Water Resources of the Alps?" in Innsbruck/A from 28 to 29 September. It is being organised by the Austrian Presidency of the Alpine Convention and Innsbruck University in co-operation with the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR). The organisers will be asking whether existing instruments (such as the EU Directive on the protection of groundwater) are sufficiently well adapted to the Alpine region and whether they also cover the new challenges at the European and global level (e.g. the deregulation of energy markets, climate change) or whether other specific instruments such as an Alpine Convention Implementing might be required.
Information: (fr/en), (fr/en)
Filed under: international treaties