EU research project on water resources: monitoring and forecasting
Oct 06, 2005
The main aim of the recently launched AWARE project (Available Water Resources in Mountain Environments) is to provide tools for monitoring and forecasting water availability and distribution in those drainage basins where snowmelt is a major component of the annual water balance in Alpine catchments.
The project will develop models to represent snow-pack dynamics and snowmelt runoff. The models are designed expressly to integrate earth observation data and in-situ hydrological and meteorological measurements. They will be implemented in an interactive online system that allows users (hydropower companies, municipal water supply companies, etc.) to apply the models to a local catchment area.
AWARE is being promoted by the EU Commission as part of the sixth framework programme (FP6). Partners in the project include research institutes, university and private-sector companies from Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and Spain.
Source and information: (en)
AWARE is being promoted by the EU Commission as part of the sixth framework programme (FP6). Partners in the project include research institutes, university and private-sector companies from Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia and Spain.
Source and information: (en)