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New EU project: AlpNaTour

Apr 07, 2005 / alpMedia
The Interreg IIIB AlpNaTour Project has been up and running since the start of this year. The Project focuses on practical ways of integrating recreation and tourism concerns in management planning processes of Natura 2000 sites. The Project is to provide a guideline and checklists for the management of Natura 2000 sites influenced by the economic interests of tourism and recreation.
The survey is based on a comparison of management planning tools in Natura 2000 sites in Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovenia. Methods for measuring and modelling tourist development will then be drawn up and suitable cooperative planning instruments selected. The compilation of checklists and guidelines will be preceded by a verification of the methods and instruments themselves at various Natura 2000 sites in the countries concerned.
The AlpNaTour Project has a term of two years and involves partners from Austria, Germany, Italy and Slovenia.
Source and information: (en), (de/fr/it/sl/en)