Natura 2000 List for EU mountain regions approved
Jan 15, 2004
The list of Natura 2000 protected areas in mountain regions of the EU was approved by the European Commission at the end of 2003. It covers 959 nature sites in the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Apennines and the Fennoscandian mountains, which under the Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna are considered to be of European importance.
452 of the sites are in Italy, 230 in France, 103 in Austria and 43 in Germany. The Natura 2000 network is to ensure the protection of endangered animals, plants and habitat types, and thus contribute towards halting the decline of Europe's biodiversity.
The next step for the Alpine network is now the designation of all the sites by the Member States under their national law. This includes the granting of an appropriate national protection status and establishing the necessary management regime. For a number of habitat types and species the Member States still need to complete the list with further site proposals.
Source and information: (en)
The next step for the Alpine network is now the designation of all the sites by the Member States under their national law. This includes the granting of an appropriate national protection status and establishing the necessary management regime. For a number of habitat types and species the Member States still need to complete the list with further site proposals.
Source and information: (en)