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A Biodiversity Vision for the Alps

Datei PDF Dokument icon 3077_WWF_Report.pdf — PDF Dokument, 7.99 MB (8381720 bytes)
Datum 28.08.2007
Beschreibung These proceedings provide a technical record of the process undertaken in defining the biodiversity vision for the Alps. The brochure The Alps: a unique natural heritage (WWF European Alpine Programme 2004) presented a reader-friendly summary of our results on priority areas; this report covers both priority areas and connection areas (macro-corridors) and presents the detailed information needed by those who are interested in the technical aspects of the process.
Autor zopemaster
Letzte Änderung 30.08.2007 21:19
Abgelegt unter Biodiversität Umweltschutz Umwelt
abgelegt unter: Biodiversität, Umweltschutz, Umwelt