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News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from Switzerland.

What's new on


Brig, Klagenfurt and Chiavenna: Workshop documentation is now online The workshop on "The Forestry Sector in Regional Policy - Options for Sustainable Development in the Alpine Region" organised by the Further Education in Forestry and Landscape jointly with CIPRA was held in Brig/CH on March 28 and 29.

The Alps' longest railway tunnel



Last weekend saw the official inauguration ceremony of the Lötschberg base tunnel in Switzerland after a construction period of eight years. At 34.6 km it is the third longest railway tunnel in the world. The new link between the Bernese Oberland and the Valais drastically reduces the journey time.

The forestry sector in regional policy


Around 50 experts, mostly from the forestry sector, took part in the two-day workshop on regional policy held in Brig/CH on 29 and 30 March. The event, which was held in French and German as part of the series of workshops entitled "Getting Knowledge Across - Networking People", was attended by participants from France, Germany and Switzerland.



In the 1990s four storms in the Alpine regions caused quite a stir: in February 1990 Vivian and Wiebke, and in December 1999 Lothar and Martin. What they all had in common was the devastation they caused; what was also remarkable was the short time span between them. The Dossier's background report, which is available only in German, outlines the extent and causes of the damage caused in the forest areas and the way in which the storm areas were addressed depending on the different interests governing the use of those areas. Additional relevant material on the issue can be found in other language versions of this page.