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Umleitung Gotthard 2001 - Auswirkungen der Verkehrsverlagerung auf die Luft- und Lärmbelastung in den Kantonen Graubünden, Tessin und Uri

Year of publication 2002
Co-authors Kantonale Umweltschutzämter Graubünden, Tessin und Uri
Publisher(s) Bundesamt für Umwelt, BAFU
Number of pages 55
Language de - abstract in: en, fr, it
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Page(s) 55
Excerpt of the summary:
On 24 October 2001 (10.00 hours), an accident in the St. Gotthard road tunnel led to the closure of the A2 to all traffic. During the repair work, which lasted until 21 December 2001, heavy traffic was redirected over the San Bernardino (A13) route. The resulting redistribution of traffic caused marked alterations in the air pollution and noise exposure attributable to road traffic along these two Swiss Alpine transit axes.