Climate change recommendations from SILMAS
Year of publication | 2013 |
Author(s) | Lucia Borasi |
Co-authors | Alberto Maffiotti |
Publisher(s) | Alpine Space Programme Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt Website: |
Language | en, fr, it |
Purchase | |
Page(s) | 28 |
Publication type | Journal, booklet |
Freshwater lakes in the alpine area are an extremely valuable resource because of their importance to the economies, social structure, and variability of the riparian countries. The lakes are indeed a multiple resource: providing water for irrigation, water for domestic and industrial use, hydropower, navigation, recreation, fisheries and landscape. Furthermore, the lakes have an incommensurable ecosystem value, hardly to assess from the economic point of view.
From the scientific point of view, lakes serve as sediment and carbon sinks and provide crucial repositories of information on past climate changes.
Climate change lead to a series of modifications also in the exploitation of natural resources of lake catchments or linked to the water lake cycle.
From the scientific point of view, lakes serve as sediment and carbon sinks and provide crucial repositories of information on past climate changes.
Climate change lead to a series of modifications also in the exploitation of natural resources of lake catchments or linked to the water lake cycle.