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Making the connection!

Year of publication2009
Author(s)Lawrence Jones-Walters
Co-authorsM. Snethlage, K. Civic, A. Cil, I. Smit
Publisher(s)ECNC - European Centre for Nature Conservation
Place of publicationTilburg
Number of pages48
Publication typeJournal, booklet
Indeed, as the policy frameworks for ecological networks at different levels have become more widespread and sophisticated, so interest in the translation of plans into the practical implementation of ecological networks has increased. There is now a clear need to support and actively drive this move towards practical implementation throughout Europe. The Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (ANF), in recognizing this need, has therefore sponsored this project; whose aim is to investigate current practice, identify best practice and specify gaps in knowledge. Based on this, it has sought to derive innovation and provide guidance for key actors who are or may be involved in creating ecological networks in practice. This report therefore provides advice and recommendations on the practical implementation of ecological networks in real situations; including how to stimulate knowledge transfer, practical partnerships and consensus-building within and between the stakeholders involved.
Filed under: players / networks