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Guidance on the maintenance of landscape connectivity features of major importance for wild flora and fauna

Guidance on the maintenance of landscape connectivity features of major importance for wild flora and fauna
Image caption:
Year of publication2007
Author(s)Marianne Kettunen
Co-authorsTerry, A., Tucker, G. & Jones A.
Publisher(s)Institute for European Environmantal Policy
Place of publicationBrussels
Number of pages166
Publication typeOther
This guidance report has therefore been produced on behalf of the European
Commission to assist EU Members States in halting the loss of biodiversity as a result of habitat fragmentation and the additional impacts of climate change. It aims to help develop and implement integrated ecological connectivity related measures that contribute to the maintenance or restoration of the Favourable Conservation Status of species and habitats of Community interest in accordance with requirements of the Habitats and Birds directives. In particular it provides guidance on implementation of Article 10 of the Habitats directive and Article 3 of the Birds directive. It also aims to support the connectivity and climate change objectives in the EU Biodiversity Action Plan. This guidance covers all terrestrial, freshwater and inter-tidal habitats in Europe, but does not cover marine habitats and species.