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Raumordnung im Alpenraum

publikation raumordnung im alpenraum
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Year of publication2003
Author(s)Werner Bätzing
Co-authorsC. Braumann, K. Goppel, B. Hain, A. Helmreich, S. Köhler, J. Maier, K. Ruppert, W. Rosinak, H. Scheiring, B. Scholl
Publisher(s)Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung
PublisherVerlag der ARL
Place of publicationHannover
Number of pages137
Languagede - abstract in: en
Price21 EUR/30 CHF
The Bavarian Regional Partnership (Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Bayern) used the International Year of Mountains as an opportunity to examine the Alpine region from a spatial planning perspective. The issues considered were the development of the Alpine region, taking into account communities, settlement development, tourism and transport development; the significance of the Alpine Convention; and the role of the spatial structural plans for the Bavarian and Austrian Alpine regions. Economic, social and demographic change presents a particular challenge for the sustainable development of the Alpine Region, which must be appropriate for this diverse and outstanding European natural landscape. An important aspect of this is a consistent application of the possibilities of spatial planning policy, which must provide visible achievements.