Green Paper
Year of publication | 2007 |
Publisher(s) | Europäische Kommission Amt für amtliche Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften Website: |
Place of publication | Brüssel |
Number of pages | 26 |
Language | de, en, fr, it, sl |
Purchase | |
Page(s) | 26 |
Publication type | Journal, booklet |
In the European Union, over 60% of the population lives in urban areas. Just under 85% of the EU's gross domestic product is created in urban areas. Towns and cities are the drivers of the European economy. They attract investment and jobs. They are essential to the smooth functioning of the economy.
Urban areas now constitute the living environment of the vast majority of the population, and it is imperative that the quality of life in these areas should be as high as possible. That is why we must now pool our thoughts and consider the question of urban mobility.
Urban areas now constitute the living environment of the vast majority of the population, and it is imperative that the quality of life in these areas should be as high as possible. That is why we must now pool our thoughts and consider the question of urban mobility.