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EUNET-SASI: Social Economic and Spatial Impacts of Transport Infrastructure Investments and Transport System Improvements

Year of publication2000
Author(s)John Larkinson
Co-authors('Technical University of Denmark, LT Cunsultants LTD Finland, National Technical University of Athens, Gruppo Class SRL Italy, University of Leeds UK, facultes Universitaires catholiques de Mons Belgium, Planco Consulting GMBH Germany, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Securite France, The Interdisciplinary Center for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences Austria, Technical University Vienna, University Dortmund Germany',)
The project developed an innovative cost-benefit/multicriterial decision analysis methodoligy and a database of cost models of the transport system. It developed a methodology for a measurement and valuation of socio-economic development effects and privides values. It developed indicators of regional accessibility and social cohesion and an operational integrated model of transport and regional development. A comrehensive and transferable methodology was established. Not surprisingly, the analyses results in a rather low correlation beween accessibility and GDP per capita reflecting the well-known fact that location is only one factor of regional economic development
Filed under: traffic impacts