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Mountain sports and development issues in the Alps (Sports de montagne et territoire dans les Alpes)

Cover der Revue de Géographie alpine, Tome 92 N°4
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Year of publication2004
Publisher(s)Revue de Géographie Alpine
Institut de Géographie Alpine
Place of publicationGrenoble
Number of pages125
Languageen, fr
JournalRevue de géographie alpine - Journal of Alpine Research
Magazine No.Tome 92 2004, N° 4
Mountain sports in the Alps are the focus of this English/French publication in the series "Revue de Géographie Alpine/Journal of Alpine Research", which contains five essays from the fields of cultural geography, tourism economy, and sport- and ethno-sociology. Thomas Bieger examines the patterns of demand on the traditional Swiss winter travel market and concludes that while the number of winter sports has greatly increased, demand is concentrated on just a few offers. Bastien Soulé presents two case studies to illustrate the situation with regard to risk management in winter sport areas and the political instrumentalization of the subjects of danger and safety. Brice Lefèvre discusses the social structure of the users of high-alpine terrain with reference to mountain sports in the Mont Blanc massif.