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Third Annual Survey on the implementation and enforcement of Community environmental law

Year of publication 2002
Publisher(s) Amt für amtliche Veröffentlichungen der Europäischen Gemeinschaften
Place of publication Luxembourg
ISBN/ISSN 92-894-3899-1
Number of pages 134
Language de, en, fr
Page(s) 134
Publication type Journal, booklet
The Third Annual Survey, which covers the period 2000/2001 follows on from the first Annual Survey (1996/1997) and the second Annual Survey (1998/1999), by providing up-to-date information on the state of application of Community environmental law. This is in response to the Commission Communication on implementing Community environmental law and the Resolutions of the Council and European Parliament.

The Third Annual Survey is divided into three main parts: the first Chapter highlights details of infringement actions that have been initiated by the Commission in each sector of Community environmental law in 2001. The developments during the year 2000 are to be found in Annex I which consists of an extract of the Chapter on environment in the Eighteenth Annual Report on Monitoring the Application of Community Law (2000). The second Chapter of this Annual Survey includes an update of the work that is currently being carried out by the European Union Network for the implementation and enforcement of Community environmental law (IMPEL). The third Chapter lists those environmental Directives that Member States should have transposed during 2000 and 2001, providing details of the adopted national transposition measures. Annex II presents a scoreboard that details - per Member State and per sector – ongoing infringement actions as a result of non-communication, non-conformity as well as actions with regard to horizontal bad application cases.
Filed under: law, environment