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Vienna Declaration by the Regional Conference on Transport and the Environment 1997

Sep 27, 1997
The Declaration was adopted by the governments of the member states of the UN Economic Commission for Europe. The states pledge to take steps aimed at reducing the negative impact of transport and traffic on the environment and on health. Energy-efficient and ecological vehicles and fuels as well as efficient and sustainable transport systems are to be encouraged and sensitive regions protected. The UNECE members are also planning to encourage the safe transport of hazardous substances and adopt measures aimed at protecting water resources from pollution. Annexed to the Declaration is a programme with a description of potential measures and solutions in the area of transport and the environment.
Güterzug in den Alpen
Image caption:
Die Verlagerung des transalpinen Güterverkehrs auf die Schiene bringt wirtschaftliche und ökologische Vorteile © Nil Bechtiger,



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UN Economic Commission for Europe