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On the war in Ukraine

Feb 25, 2022
A war has broken out in Europe that contradicts everything CIPRA stands for: Intensive cooperation across language barriers and cultural differences, cross-border cooperation and the search for development opportunities that strengthen people and nature.
Image caption:
© Khoroshkov

We feel very connected to the people in Central and Eastern Europe, especially in the Carpathians and Ukraine. CIPRA contributed to the development of the Carpathian Convention, which was signed by Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic and Ukraine in May 2003 right in Kyiv. The Alps and the Carpathians are sister mountain regions that have much in common. Despite their unique natural attractiveness and important ecological function in Europe, these cross-border areas face the challenge of strengthening territorial cohesion and civic participation. It is precisely such civil society engagement that is now made impossible.

CIPRA has been working with various partners in the Carpathians for over two decades, developing joint projects and exchanging experience in mountain protection, sustainable development and cooperation across borders. We still remember the workshop on protected area management we organized in Ukraine in 2007.

We intend to continue such cooperation and today we express our solidarity and profound sympathy to the people in the Carpathian countries, especially in Ukraine.

Filed under: Carpathians