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CIPRA and the Alpine Convention: a fruitful co-operation

Apr 20, 2016 / alpMedia
An architectural competition, a climate conference, activities with young people: CIPRA and the Alpine Convention have a lot in common, as the current annual report of CIPRA International makes clear.
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Fruitful co-operation: in its 2015 annual report CIPRA International highlights joint activities with the Alpine Convention. Illustration: Johannes Gautier

In Markus Reiterer's office in Innsbruck, Austria, there hangs a collage that tells of an exciting journey with a long-term impact. It was presented to him as Secretary General of the Alpine Convention – and to other representatives of the organisation – at Expo Milan in June 2015. It was created by young participants of CIPRA's Youth Alpine Express project using materials they had collected on their journey – waste to some, recyclable materials to others. The collages carry a clear message: reduce, reuse, and recycle! In the 25th anniversary year of the Alpine Convention, this message is more relevant than ever before; the Alps, with their wealth of natural resources, are under particular pressure today.

Twenty-five years after the launch of the Alpine Convention, CIPRA International takes stock in this year's Annual Report. Much has been achieved. Thanks in no small part to CIPRA, the Alpine Convention has opened its doors to young people. Other challenges are still waiting to be addressed, however, and some have become more pressing than ever before. Climate change, for example, is calling into question accepted models for business and tourism. New answers may be found thanks to the mediation of the Alpine Convention, where international co-operation has generated diverse contacts and multifarious expertise. Over the last 25 years, it has already inspired numerous activities and initiatives. In many cases, CIPRA has played a role, for instance in the climate conference for municipalities or in the Alps-wide architectural competition “Constructive Alps” – as can be seen from CIPRA International's 2015 Report.,

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