Alpine Basecamp for good ideas
The second ACB at the BASIS Vinschgau Venosta in Schlanders-Silandro/I offered highly motivated people from all over the Alpine region the opportunity to develop projects for a just, liveable and sustainable future in the Alps, guided by eleven mentors and covering a wide range of topics and methods.
Climate bike tours and community watermills
The project ideas are each based on a larger vision and a wish for the future of the Alps. Tim Gerdin, from Ljubljana/Sl, emphasises: “I want to see better management of landscapes and to bring more beauty into daily life.” Maëlys Bernot from Gap/F says: “I want to see citizens and policymakers investing more in the fight against climate change. With my bike tour through the Alps, I want to raise awareness of climate change, with workshops on the causes and consequences of climate change and a documentary film about cycling as a form of sustainable mobility.” Other topics range from optimised water use in the face of the climate crisis to online networking on sustainable climbing and the expansion of public transportation in the Alpine region.
Networking and strengthening commitment
The 18 participants returned home with plenty of experiences and insights. In addition to the intensive examination of their own project, the informal exchanges helped them the most. Irene Delfanti from Verona/I says: “The highlight for me was the shared experiences. They strengthened the commitment to a future worth living.” Marion Ebster-Kreuzer, project manager at CIPRA International, felt that the second ACB was a success for everyone: “The Basecamp is a good platform for mentors, participants and project partners alike to network, inspire, learn and develop projects further!”
The “Alpine Changemaker Basecamp” is sponsored by the Mercator Switzerland Foundation.
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