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Alpine Changemaker Network

Mar 13, 2023
The «Alpine Changemaker Network» is an international team drawn from NGOs, academia, social innovation and regional development organisations. We wish to strengthen Alpine society and we envision the Alps as a thriving ecosystem, one that offers an appealing life both to ourselves and to future generations. We combine regionally developed knowledge, social innovation practices, scientific teaching and researching skills, project management skills and much more besides – and we want to collaborate, share and learn!
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© Katharina Söldner

The aim of the transnational and transdisciplinary «Alpine Changemaker Network» is to promote education, research and development, practical action and social innovation in and between the Alpine regions. The Network brings together organisations from different sectors and transcends national borders, institutional barriers and cultures of thought and action. The aim is to create an environment that will promote the emergence of «Alpine Changemakers» as drivers and role models for change.

A pilot project, the «Alpine Changemaker Basecamp», was carried out for the first time in summer 2021 in Valposchiavo/CH. It was a temporary, experimental real-life laboratory, accompanied by a mentoring programme, where young people developed solutions for Alpine-wide challenges.

The «Alpine Changemaker Basecamp» will take place for the second time in July 2023, this time in the BASIS Vinschgau Venosta, a social activation hub and changemaker in South Tyrol (Schlanders-Silandro/I).

The Network and Basecamps are also supported by a Reflection Group that accompanies the design, development, execution and dissemination of the results and conducts evaluations. This allows the Alpine Changemaker Network to learn, reflect and adapt while events are in progress and not simply in their aftermath.

Both the establishment of the Network and the conception of the Basecamps were supported by the pancivis Foundation and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). The realisation of the Basecamps is funded by the Mercator Foundation of Switzerland.


Reflection Group


Marion Ebster-Kreuzer
CIPRA International


Podcast about Alpine Changemaker Basecamp 2023

Basecamp 2021

Presentations of the projects

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The Pecha-Kucha presentations of the ideas from the first Alpine Changemaker Basecamp give an insight into the process (in English): >> to the videos

Funded by

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