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A toolbox for climate change

Jan 27, 2016 / alpMedia
Climate change is a fact. Its complexity, however, means that it remains an abstract notion for regional decision-makers. CIPRA, together with its partners, is supporting Alpine regions.
Image caption:
The risks and opportunities of climate change will be explored in a participatory process in the Swiss region of Surselva. © Seecon SA

What risks will climate change bring for the Alpine regions? Does it also mean opportunities? What are the most promising possibilities for adaptation? Together with the Swiss region of Surselva and partners such as the Swiss consulting and project development firm seecon, CIPRA has now developed a toolbox for managing the consequences of climate change. It translates scientific findings regarding regional climate scenarios into concrete risks and opportunities for regional living areas, economic zones and natural spaces, while giving an overview of possible adaptation measures.

The Climate Toolbox is currently being tested in Surselva. Local people are identifying the risks and opportunities for the region in a participatory process and are planning bespoke adaptation measures. The project is being supported by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment under the “Adaptation to Climate Change” pilot programme.

The climate tool box shows that municipalities and regions in the Alps are setting a good example. They are implementing their own measures to meet the demand for a stringent climate policy, as was also heard in the appeal by Alpine communities and organisations for “Climate protection now!” in Paris in December 2015.

As an example, “100max”, an “Alpine game for climate protection”, sees some 70 households in the Alps testing climate-friendly lifestyles. The benchmark is the idea that “a good day has 100 points”. CIPRA initiated and is accompanying the “100max” project, which is financed by the German Federal Ministry of the Environment.

Source and further information: (de), (sl), (it), (de), (fr), (it), (sl)

Filed under: alpMedia 01/2016