Euregio Adria-Alps
Sep 25, 2003
Francesco Pastorelli
The Adria-Alpen Euregio has moved one step closer to its founding following a series of meetings of the Chairmen of Carinthia/A, Veneto/I and Friuli/I and representatives from Slovenia (with Croatia also to be involved soon).
The cross-border region is to represent joint strategies at the European level and as a result attain greater importance. It is in part a re-launch of the Alpen-Adria Working Group but with a broader remit, as provided for in the European Framework Agreement on Cross-border Co-operation. The regions are already working together on the construction of transport infrastructure aimed at opening up the Balkans and eastern Europe.
Source: Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia 23.09.2003 (it),
Information: (de/it/sl/en)
Source: Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia 23.09.2003 (it),
Information: (de/it/sl/en)