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Cross-border youth solar project successfully completed

Aug 14, 2003 / alpMedia
It took 15 adolescents from Austria, Slovenia and Italy only one week to erect a solar installation at the leisure centre of the Austrian Klimabündnis [Climate Alliance] municipality of Gurk. The activity was part of the youth solar project "Together for a Sunny Future", and was supervised by technicians from AEE, the Working Party on Renewable Energy.
The food served during the project consisted exclusively of organic produce grown locally in the region or bearing the Fair Trade seal of quality, the aim being to enable the participants to experience climate protection in all its aspects. The installation of the solar plant coincided with workshops on a wide array of environmental issues and with excursions to sustainable projects in the region.
Source and information: Klimabündnis Kärnten [Carinthian Climate Alliance] 06.08.2003 (de)